Hullo adventurers,
Pray for our spines: we are moving our mail room.
Our last day to process and send orders will be Monday 13 December. We hope to be up and running again on Monday 20 December, but if you're after something, we recommend ordering today.

That's a photo above of one wall of the mail room. You may be thinking "It looks like a room", and that's because... it is. It's a room in my house. Every coin you receive is packed in a smoke-free home.
There's a story here, of course. I got involved with Campaign Coins when my old videogame studio BlueTongue THQ closed down in 2011. I wanted more coins from Andre to increase the treasure available in the Dungeons & Dragons 4e campaign I had started with my studio friends (we went on to have years of fun in Gardmore Abbey and surrounds). "I wish I could do more with the coins..." said Andre, who was absolutely flat out with other work. "Well, I have time on my hands" I said, and soon offered to bring the coins to my place to handle the mail order. That first arrival was four boxes, and until now, they never left.
Andre had a Jimmy Cauty Lord of the Rings poster on the back door of his coin garage. I had that poster in high school in my outside room where all the D&D got played from sundown to sunrise. That house is gone now, knocked down to make way for a dozen new ones, so it was a blast to see Gandalf and stoner Frodo again, summoned up from my lost lair. (Fun fact #1: Cauty himself was 17 years old when he drew the art for the poster, I hope he got paid. Fun fact #2: He later became a founding member of the KLF, set fire to a million pound notes, and married Alannah from the Thompson Twins in 2011, about the time I saw the poster again. Go on, look him up.) So, a fossick through eBay later and I had a poster of my own once more, as the original fell to bits decades ago. It still thrills me to look at it.
The coins grew, taking over my whole study. Out went my painting desk, to make room for a packing bench. Over time first Jackson and then Maddison joined us to help get the coins out to you. Every second Wednesday, all four of us play in Daniel's Acquisitions Inc D&D 5e campaign. Who is Daniel? Our great friend and once upon a time, a programmer at BlueTongue. We don't make games together any more, but we still play them. That was my reason for starting that 4e campaign way back in 2011: if you play together, you stay in touch. It worked.
So now the coins are on the move again, to a new dedicated space in Jackson's new place with (thank goodness) a solid concrete floor. My old floorboards have suffered somewhat. I'll miss having them right at hand, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was looking forwards to getting my study back. The spare room we've called the Warehouse for a decade will now be called the Hollow, as that's where my Hagglethorn Hollow buildings can finally be unpacked. We'll all be adventuring for many years to come.
So that's the story: We play games together, and we make the things we like to play with. We couldn't do it without your support. Thanks for making it possible.
We'll send one more quick email this year to let you know when we're fully operational again. If you want anything in the meantime, order now
There's a story here, of course. I got involved with Campaign Coins when my old videogame studio BlueTongue THQ closed down in 2011. I wanted more coins from Andre to increase the treasure available in the Dungeons & Dragons 4e campaign I had started with my studio friends (we went on to have years of fun in Gardmore Abbey and surrounds). "I wish I could do more with the coins..." said Andre, who was absolutely flat out with other work. "Well, I have time on my hands" I said, and soon offered to bring the coins to my place to handle the mail order. That first arrival was four boxes, and until now, they never left.
Andre had a Jimmy Cauty Lord of the Rings poster on the back door of his coin garage. I had that poster in high school in my outside room where all the D&D got played from sundown to sunrise. That house is gone now, knocked down to make way for a dozen new ones, so it was a blast to see Gandalf and stoner Frodo again, summoned up from my lost lair. (Fun fact #1: Cauty himself was 17 years old when he drew the art for the poster, I hope he got paid. Fun fact #2: He later became a founding member of the KLF, set fire to a million pound notes, and married Alannah from the Thompson Twins in 2011, about the time I saw the poster again. Go on, look him up.) So, a fossick through eBay later and I had a poster of my own once more, as the original fell to bits decades ago. It still thrills me to look at it.
The coins grew, taking over my whole study. Out went my painting desk, to make room for a packing bench. Over time first Jackson and then Maddison joined us to help get the coins out to you. Every second Wednesday, all four of us play in Daniel's Acquisitions Inc D&D 5e campaign. Who is Daniel? Our great friend and once upon a time, a programmer at BlueTongue. We don't make games together any more, but we still play them. That was my reason for starting that 4e campaign way back in 2011: if you play together, you stay in touch. It worked.
So now the coins are on the move again, to a new dedicated space in Jackson's new place with (thank goodness) a solid concrete floor. My old floorboards have suffered somewhat. I'll miss having them right at hand, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was looking forwards to getting my study back. The spare room we've called the Warehouse for a decade will now be called the Hollow, as that's where my Hagglethorn Hollow buildings can finally be unpacked. We'll all be adventuring for many years to come.
So that's the story: We play games together, and we make the things we like to play with. We couldn't do it without your support. Thanks for making it possible.
We'll send one more quick email this year to let you know when we're fully operational again. If you want anything in the meantime, order now