About Us
Our Adventuring Party
started our company and planned our first release Campaign Coins, because he wanted fantasy coins for his RPG campaign, but nobody was making any! His current favourites are the Pathfinder Coins of Absalom.
Visit the markets of AbsalomMADDISON
is a graphic designer, and our wizard of widgets. Her favourite coin is the Pathfinder Goblin pin, because goblins.
has written and edited RPG scenarios for Call of Cthulhu and Elric, and also designed videogames for Atari, THQ and other companies. He always has his Elder Sign handy.
Elder SignMASAKO
our newest team member delves deep into our dungeon to bring loot to the surface, summons the nearest dragon and gets your goods delivered! Meeples are her favourite.
Meet the Meeples.Our Artists
designed the Avren coin, Skittermander pins, and helps with character art for our roleplaying events. You can see her own range of brilliant character class pins on her store.
alysaavery.comBRIAN PATTERSON
designed our Concentration Token and the Red Dragon Inn Gambling In/Out tokens. You know him better as D20 Monkey, where he has been telling webcomic stories for a decade, as well as illustrating numerous games.
d20monkey.comDANIEL SOLIS
designed the Island Siege coins, as well as our Heart coins and Deluxe Metal Meeples. Daniel lives in North Carolina and is also a game designer, and is steadily releasing a series of fine card games.
smartplaygames.blogspot.comDEVEN RUE
is a brilliant carographer from the Pacific Northwest USA, but you already knew that because you have seen her wonderful hand drawn maps on Critical Role. She designed the Deven Rue Compass and map weights.
rueink.comDREW MORROW
designed our Red Dragon Inn coins, Dwarven Tower coins, and 13th Age Icon tokens.
members.iinet.net.au/~drew1/JON HODGSON
designed the Lone Wolf coins, and painted our website's header background.
jonhodgsondesign.comLEE SMITH
designed our core range of Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum coins, along with the Trade Bars and King's Ransom series. He also designed our original logo.
dirtyrascalgames.comLYNDA MILLS
illustrated our Campaign Coins characters. She has also designed our Freeport coins and D20 coins.
forgotten-hollow.blogspot.comOur Writer
is a published author with numerous short stories and RPG scenarios to her credit. She writes short comedy stories featuring our original characters, the Three Dungeoneers.