It's 2017, let's roll!
We're excited about the good times and cool games that lie in the year ahead, so we thought we'd put down our New Year's Gaming Resolutions. In December we'll take a look back and see how many we got done!
This is also a moment to introduce you to Jackson, our newest team member. Jackson has already helped out with many of our projects (especially Kickstarter fulfilment), and now he's joining us part-time to look after the website. Expect new coins and new blog posts in 2017.
So, here's what our year has in store for us:
- Finish our Mice & Mystics campaign.
- Drive a stake through Strahd's heart in Mark's campaign.
- Organise more gaming weekend aways, the inaugural one was huge fun (12-hour Talisman game!).
- Get the players to a showdown with Twinrova, in my Legend of Zelda-inspired 13th Age campaign.
- Try every RPG I haven't played before that pops up at Gamezilla RPG Night. (For example, World Wide Wresting RPG! Because why not?!)
- Re-colour code my 4e Dungeon Tiles for my own sanity.
- Start a RuneQuest 2 campaign, it's time to kill Broo like it's 1982.
- Run some Fantasy AGE, it looks like such a clean and dynamic system for maximum story.
- Finish painting the minis and kick off our Shadows of Brimstone campaign. Yee har!
- Show Strahd the sharp end of a 10 foot pole.
- Complete work on Curse of Seven, a Call of Cthulhu Gaslight campaign for Chaosium.
- Play the downloadable campaigns for Zombicide Black Plague, those zombies aren’t going to slay themselves.
Happy New Games, everyone!